Father Christmas - Naughty or Nice?
At this time of year, serious-minded people start agonising over whether it is all right to ‘lie’ to children about Father Christmas. Religious fundamentalists worry about whether they are offering children a false god who may seem more attractive than the real God – bringing tangible presents in your stocking instead of a lifelong, or multi-lifelong, journey towards holiness. Fundamentalist atheists worry about whether fairy-tales entice children into believing in the supernatural instead of looking for materialist explanations for everything. Psychologists worry about whether the sense of being watched may be oppressive. Speaking as both an autistic person who sometimes finds it hard to tell whether people are joking or serious, and a Christian who believes that honesty is important, I’d say they’re worrying about nothing. As a child, I could easily see that Father Christmas belonged to the category marked ‘stories and make-believe’ rather than the one ...