Dread Sigh At Night

One snag about writing this blog is that the time when I think an article would be relevant, and the time when I get round to writing it, may not coincide much. For example, a few weeks ago when we were having a heatwave and I was barely sleeping, I thought it would be a good idea to write an article on insomnia. After all, there must be lots of people having the same problem, either because of the weather, or because they were worrying about their or their children’s exam results. I didn’t write it, for two reasons. One was that I was too exhausted. The other was that I was aware that any advice I might give about what to do if you can’t sleep, wasn’t actually working for me right now. Still, with hindsight, I’d like to say a little about the notes I have made on this condition over the years. If any of them are helpful for you next time you can’t sleep, that’s brilliant. Alternatively, if you’ve found something that works better, ...