A lot of my posts on here have been rants. This isn’t because I am permanently in ranting mood. It’s just that, when I’m feeling cheerful, I mostly write stories instead, whereas, when something has wound me up, I feel the need to work it out in this blog. But right now, I just want to tell you about spring, and about feeling happy. A week and a half ago, I left Somerset in winter, and I came back ten days later to find it in spring. Admittedly, when I say winter, I don’t mean in the thick snow we’d had at the beginning of February. No, by halfway through this month, I could see that the snowdrops of January had been joined by crocuses and even celandines. The woods were green and mossy and beautiful to walk in. But even so, when I came down to Southampton, I had to re-set my mental calendar to get used to the fact that Southampton, being both a city and on the south coast, was in full, daffodil-filled, blossoming-cherry-tree spring mode. ...