Love to All, Temple
‘It’s all right; I’ve got used to Temple saying, “I love you,” to random people.’ At the point where PDB11 said that, we were round at Doom Metal Singer’s caravan, and she had been telling us about the troubles she had been facing recently. I was worried by the facts that she hadn’t told us before, and that she had a cracked rib which had been healing more slowly than necessary because she couldn’t avoid bending and lifting in gathering firewood, fetching shopping, and so on, when we would have been happy to help if she had only asked us. I just wanted her to know that she had friends who cared about her. I hadn’t realised how freely I use the words, ‘I love you,’ and even hug people if they give me permission, as it's not fair to inflict hugs on people when they're not in the mood. Doom Metal Singer had given me permission, so I gave her a sort of shoulder-hug, trying to avoid her ribs (and with heads facing over each other’s shoulders to avoid Covid transmission – we...