Drachenerwachen Chapter 7: Birth
So, we finally meet a dragon! But not before we have encountered Frau Tossilo at work, where, in contrast to her irritability with her young neighbours and her flustered response to unexpected callers, she is ‘friendliness personified’ and five times winner of the Salesperson of the Year award. Considering her obsession with shopping and consumerism, it isn’t surprising to discover that Frau Tossilo works in retail. Every item of clothing or furniture in her flat is described in terms of colour and materials, in contrast to the only information about Johann and Janka’s fashion preferences coming in a few lines of banter in the opening chapter, to introduce the characters: ‘But the suitcase is pretty, isn’t it? I’d love to have one like that.’ ‘Honestly, Janka, are you eleven or five? You’re through with that colour by the time you’re past first grade.’ ‘Well, I’m not. And at least it is a colour, not like your boring black jeans and even more ...