Der Fluch der Aurelia Chapters 13-14: The Song in the Depths; Encounters on the Beach
Now we cut back to Lizzie, listening to the Aurelia’s song in the ocean trench. She, like Ben, is wondering whether the Aurelia will bring back vanished species such as unicorns or three-headed dragons. There is a three-headed dragon in another of Cornelia Funke’s novels, Igraine Ohnefurcht ( Igraine the Brave ) , who appears to be a related species to Lung, since she too lives on moonlight. However, it hadn’t been confirmed whether they existed in the Drachenreiter universe – though, as PDB11 complains, part of what he finds implausible about the Drachenreiter series is that it is so thick with fantastic beings and yet hardly anyone notices their existence. However, I’m still wondering about the chronology of unicorn extinction here. Lizzie remembers discussing with Barnabas (which must have been more than twenty years ago) whether the Aurelia might bring unicorns back, which implies that they were already considered extinct by then. But in Drachen...