Sunday 16th June - Ashwick to Asham Walk
When I proposed to do another walking challenge, one of my reservations was the effect that over-exercising might have on my mental health. Getting over-tired, or not eating enough because my body is too focused on walking to remember to be hungry, tends to knock me off balance if my body isn’t expecting it. When I last spent a month walking as much as possible, in 2021, a friend wrote an encouraging comment about walking being good for body, mind and spirit, but, as with most things that are good for the mental health of normal people, it doesn’t necessarily work that way for me. 2021 wasn’t a good year, and the best thing I could say about July of that year was that I was tired enough after days of walking that I didn’t have trouble sleeping. By now, I’m capable of being reasonably sane for a fair amount of the time, and for the first half of the month, I was fine as long as I kept walking. I only really started to have difficulties when a few days of wet weat...