The Holy Quorans

Lately, I have been wondering about whether to remain a Christian. The evidence around us indicates that there isn’t nearly so much difference between all Christians and all non-Christians as Christian preachers try to make out, nor so much difference between all religious believers and all atheists as some atheists try to make out. Not only European Christians like PDB11 and me, but also probably plenty of American Christians with liberal political views, probably have more beliefs in common with liberal atheists than with fundamentalist Christian Trump-supporters, for example. PDB11 mentioned to me a question on Quora about a quiz, the Religious Values Test , which a Quoran we follow, Melissa B , had taken. Melissa, who is a Catholic, took the test and got – Pantheist. According to her results, she was 59.8% pro-Catholic, compared to 68.5% pro-Jewish and 65.5% pro-Hindu. PDB11 , as a Protestant, also got Pantheist, but scored 59.4% pro-Protestant, ...