Omega, Sweet Omega
Ω (Shrugs hands) What can I say? I haven’t updated this blog since July In fact, I haven’t updated it for so long that Google was reluctant to let me back in. This isn’t because I haven’t had anything to write. I’ve had plenty of things I felt strongly about, angry or upset about, and even patches of feeling okay (four whole weeks in November!). The trouble was that when I’ve felt upset, I was too worked up emotionally to work my ideas up into anything that made a coherent blog post. So instead, I sent crazy emails to a small group of trusted friends and family. Thank you to all of you in that group for being so patient with my ravings. Conversely, when I’ve felt okay, I didn’t want to ruin it by writing about the things that upset me. And sometimes when I’ve felt despondent, I needed to distract myself by writing something light and fluffy. So instead, I’ve written fanfics on such vital subjects as ‘ How is Christmas celeb...