Omega, Sweet Omega

Ω (Shrugs hands)  What can I say? I haven’t updated this blog since July In fact, I haven’t updated it for so long that Google was reluctant to let me back in.  This isn’t because I haven’t had anything to write.  I’ve had plenty of things I felt strongly about, angry or upset about, and even patches of feeling okay (four whole weeks in November!).

The trouble was that when I’ve felt upset, I was too worked up emotionally to work my ideas up into anything that made a coherent blog post.  So instead, I sent crazy emails to a small group of trusted friends and family.  Thank you to all of you in that group for being so patient with my ravings.


Conversely, when I’ve felt okay, I didn’t want to ruin it by writing about the things that upset me.  And sometimes when I’ve felt despondent, I needed to distract myself by writing something light and fluffy.  So instead, I’ve written fanfics on such vital subjects as ‘How is Christmas celebrated on different planets in theVorkosigan universe?’, ‘What would happen if a repentant Darth Vader in the afterlife meets Lister and Kryten from Red Dwarf?’ ‘What if the little boy in The Princess Bride grows up to try to buy a copy of The Princess Bride for his own son and instead accidentally buys a book of German poetry?’ and ‘Whatif the yellow-eyed dragons in that logic puzzle my brother-in-law told me,managed to survive after all?


However, the news has been working its way into my subconscious, especially news about the new Omicron variant of Covid-19, and last night it got into my dreams.  Specifically, I dreamed that there were two species of pest-animals living in the trees: the Omicrons, and their larger relatives the Omegas, who ate Omicrons.  Omegas had the same round bodies as Omicrons, but could be distinguished from them by their long, furry feet.


When I woke up, I realised that the Omegas I saw in the dream must have been adults, while the juveniles probably had smaller head/bodies, and proportionately longer limbs.  With the help of the Symbols feature on Word, I drew this:


Baby Omega having bright idea:

Baby Omega juggling:

Parent Omega demands to know what baby Omega is doing:

Baby Omega explains:

Parent Omega gets angry:

Baby Omega shrugs:


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