Dear Phantom 5 - Too Young to Be the Eldest
Dear Temple, You’re making it sound as though something terrible happened to me just because my brothers were born. That’s not fair! They didn’t do anything wrong by being born, and my parents didn’t do anything wrong by having them (except that they were twins, so that makes three of us when parents shouldn’t have more than two children, but that was just an accident). Most older siblings get a new baby brother or sister when they’re three, and most of them are fine with that. My parents didn’t neglect me or stop loving me. They’re the best parents in the world! Don’t you dare blame them just because I’m weird! I’m weird because I’m autistic, not because of anything they did wrong. Phantom of the Library Dear Phantom, I didn’t mean to sound as though I was blaming mum or dad. They are good parents, and it helped that at that stage, mum’s father lived on the floor below us. All three of them did their best...